Hi there, here are your weekly recommended reads on Centroly!
Weekly Recommended Reads
User retention at Pinterest: tackling an ambiguous problem, saved by @anthonytd
"It’s hard to acquire users and even harder to help them feel at home through an engaging and relevant experience. So when some of those users start to leave the platform, your first thought is to re-engage them. It’s important, though, to understand what they liked about Pinterest and help them reconnect with the platform. As Pinterest has gone global with hundreds of millions of Pinners, getting this understanding has become harder."
Impact Mapping | Bigger Impact, saved by @MS_London
Impact mapping lets us link deliverables to high-level business goals, helping us understand how a user story can deliver those goals.
Checklist Design - A collection of the best design practices, saved by @larrymatoyo, @jbennett, @sercanalici, and @19o5design
Checklist Design is a curated list of checklists ranging from website pages, to UI components, all the way to branding assets.
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